In Assassin's Bullet, Slater plays Robert Diggs, a black ops agent who comes to work for Ambass...
Linda Watt is a sheltered but brilliant young scientist who is plucked out of her company's lab...
A true sports story that utterly defies the odds, Duguay’s film captures the wild ups and downs of ...
John Henry returns to his hometown in hopes of repairing his relationship with his estranged father...
Craig, a young boy living in a small town befriends an older, reclusive billionaire, Mr. Harrigan. ...
The near future, a time when both hope and hardships drive humanity to look to the stars and beyond...
A mysterious force knocks the moon from its orbit around Earth and sends it hurtling on a collision...
Arthur Bishop is a 'mechanic' - an elite assassin with a strict code requiring professional...
For Nick, Kurt and Dale, the only thing that would make the daily grind more tolerable would be to ...
A story of love and life among the landed English gentry during the Georgian era. Mr. Bennet is a g...