Made of four short tales, linked by a story filmed by Wim Wenders. Taking place in Ferrara, Portofi...
When an elderly millionaire is found dead with cocaine in his system, his will leaves $8 million to...
On a photo shoot in Ghana, an American model slips back in time, becomes enslaved on a plantation a...
Lore leads her four younger siblings across a war-torn Germany in 1945. Amidst the chaos she encoun...
The hidden memoir of an elderly woman confined to a mental hospital reveals the history of her pass...
Oliver, a young film director, discovers on a porn Web site one night that the protagonist of one o...
A rogue gunman is assassinating high-ranking military officers one by one. When Gunnery Sgt. Brando...
A young man with mental health issues becomes intimate with a suicidal air hostess but his obsessiv...
After her mother's death, six-year-old Frida is sent to her uncle's family to live with the...
Verena is a nurse who arrives at an old mansion in Italy to help a young boy who has fallen silent ...