With the discovery of an ancient puzzle box, a Boy, with the help of his friends, begins an adventu...
Quinn Forte had it all: power, money, a brother who idolized him, and a woman who loved him. He als...
An inside look into the fascinating life, career and survival of the most unknown famous entertaine...
Elite snipers Brandon Beckett and Richard Miller are fighting extremists in the Middle East when th...
An ex-DJ who is trying to live a normal life in London is dragged back into the seductive drug-fuel...
A newly engaged couple finds the home of their dreams and it quickly becomes a nightmare when the p...
During the last days of the Great War, a group of U.S. soldiers are sent behind enemy lines to resc...
A satanic cult focused on unleashing hell on Earth conjure a demon and set to the task of feeding i...
For the first time, Brandon Beckett, Richard Miller and Sgt. Thomas Beckett join forces in Colombia...
Marine Sgt. Brandon Beckett, son of the U.S. Marine Corps' deadliest sniper, Thomas Beckett, mu...