This is an urban comedy film that revolves around Jia Gongzi and Su Heling's dream of becoming a restaurant owner. It uses humorous scenes to create laughter points and strong character contrasts to showcase the contrast between the charactersAdd
The story tells of a wealthy young man from the third generation who is regarded by his grandmother as a precious treasure in his heart. He escapes from home because he cannot bear the constraints of his grandmother like a canary, but is knocked u
In 1937, Japan launched a full-scale invasion of China, and the Sino Japanese War immediately began. In the war, a five member team led by Shota Yamada lost contact with the main force and wandered around, arriving at a world of peaceAn isolated u
Chen Zhuo, a destitute loser and young man, is a small boss. Unfortunately, his business is bleak and he is burdened with huge high interest debts. Feeling disheartened, he feels hopeless about his future. He has a bit of a rascal, but he is loyal