This film tells a legendary story during the Republic of China period. The Japanese covet a magical flower on the land of China, and then coerce the Imperial Dragon to help them find the flower. The Imperial Dragon protects the flower from being t
Zhuge Ge and his team, born in the 1990s with dreams in mind, have created an intelligent ordering system that has been somewhat effective. However, they are struggling with the lack of funds to achieve greater development. One time, they encounte
Chahua and Xuefeng were childhood sweethearts in a small mountain village. Although they were in love, they couldn't resist fate and poverty. In the end, under the arrangement of their parents and matchmaker, Chahua married Sun Zheng, who was 12 y
The fantastical taxi driver Ma Jianxun did nothing and stumbled upon a treasure trove that could generate money at home. He also developed his superpower to predict the future and attempted to win by buying lottery ticketsRewards change one's life