A mysterious woman comes to compete in a quick-draw elimination tournament, in a town taken over by...
A young man sets out on a trip that takes him to an abandoned mansion that holds the origins of his...
Aj and his brother revisit the spot where their parents were killed. But legend has it there is som...
A 12 year old girl is determined to uncover who or what is behind the rash of disappearances occurr...
Two sisters are trapped under the fiberglass cover of an Olympic sized public pool and must brave t...
Charlotte and Brandon meet online just after their previous relationships have imploded; in an effo...
After a father is given recordings from a mysterious stranger, he starts to receive communications ...
Law enforcement finds itself chasing the ghost of a man dead for over a decade, embroiled in a diab...
The story of two brothers: one who’s devoted to his family, the other who’s obsessed with the Manso...
Veteran Secret Service agent Frank Horrigan is a man haunted by his failure to save President Kenne...