Warm male anchor Morning Star died in a traffic accident, which also involved his emotional entanglement with two girls: a wealthy daughter named Xiying, and a desperate and worn-out North Drifting girl named Mingyue...
This film is a youth film that focuses on people with depression, consisting of two parts. The whole film revolves around the love story between the radio anchor Morning Star and the cynical girl Mingyue, telling the stories of the Northern Drifti
The protagonist of the story tells the story of two brothers, one who is unwilling to live in the countryside and the other who wants to find a wife in the city. In this way, the two accidentally enter the city without any preparation, and after e
A mysterious organization known as the Chinese Avengers Alliance that exists on Earth, each member of which possesses superpowers and infinite power. Shen Lu, a powerful special agent, is basically a combination of the Green Giant and the Black Wi