Interesting story about the series of events that transpire when one member of a large family purch...
Shambhunath Mishra, a retired middle school teacher is living a mundane middle-class life with his ...
When strangers Reet and Ruhan cross paths, their journey leads to an abandoned mansion and a dreade...
Two sets of identical twins are accidentally separated at birth. Several years later, when they are...
The human drama is based on an interesting premise of a seasoned character actor who decides to com...
The movie explores the horrors and fantasies of a patient trapped in a mental asylum.;...
Raj is a Mafia member. One day he meet a girl (Meera) while chasing by his rival gang and falls in ...
Ronny is a rebellious man, who falls in love with Sia but circumstances separate them. Years later,...
Two friends and their sweet and endearing misadventures and one of these misadventures sees them la...
Journalist Amar falls for a mysterious woman on an assignment, but she does not reciprocate his fee...