A beggar's life takes an unexpected turn when a misadventure upends his daily routine. Can he n...
The story revolves around Fathima and her inspiring journey of becoming a football commentator.;...
A single father begins to narrate the story of the missing mother to his child and nothing remains ...
A boisterous, bawdy, meddling village patriarch Komurayya’s death just before the engagement change...
Vikramaditya, a world-renowned palmist, believes love does not exist in his stars, until he meets P...
Wazim is young, carefree and often drawn to fights. But when love blooms with a star vlogger, the i...
Sirisha grows up living in her beautiful dream aspires to major in music but has to promise her fat...
A divorced woman trying to get hired as a French tutor and teaching classical dance, and she has a ...
The life of Padma Shri winner Chintakindi Mallesham, who invented the ASU machine that processes ya...
Keshav, an astrologer, deeply values his cycle as it is his most prized possession. However, proble...