The film follows a young boy's search for the mythical island of fireflies described in his mot...
A four-member teen girl group named the Cheetah Girls go to a Manhattan High School for the Perform...
A juror on the inside and a woman on the outside manipulate a court trial involving a major gun man...
Nicky, an accomplished con artist, gets romantically involved with his disciple Jess but later ends...
Based on the true story of the collapse of a mine in San Jose, Chile—that left 33 miners isolated u...
A female attorney learns that her husband is really a marine officer awol for fifteen years and acc...
Jose learns that Nora, the woman he was married to for 30 years and from whom divorced, has committ...
A group of wealthy teenagers commit crimes that escalate from petty mischief to dangerous plots, ca...
The daughter of a right-winger, schoolgirl Jing Qiu is sent to the countryside for reeducation, and...
Monty is a mechanic struggling to make ends meet as he raises his three young daughters. When the c...