Two teenage boys unwittingly summon an ancient evil entity known as The Blind One by delving into b...
When Gerda Wegener asks her husband Einar to fill in as a portrait model, Einar discovers the perso...
There's a deadly zombie epidemic threatening humanity, but Wade, a small-town farmer and family...
Ten stories from horror's top directors. Ghosts, ghouls, monsters, and the devil delight in ter...
After their first adventure with the Hot Tub Time Machine, Lou and Nick are living very well off th...
Young police officer Maddy is determined to live up to her deceased father's legacy. Her courage
Reality series following a group of truck drivers in the mountain passes of Norway, some of the mos...
A lawyer-turned-preacher living in a small Appalachian town is pursued by an eccentric man to repre...
An American Agent from 1938 travels through time to hamstring Hitler! Transported to the year 2018,...
2021 - 5 years after the outbreak of a mysterious virus that turned humans into bloodthirsty, undea...