In postwar Hong Kong, legendary Wing Chun grandmaster Ip Man is reluctantly called into action once...
After winning his first competition, Takumi focuses his attention on drift racing, a sport he has u...
Fang Zhen Dong is a patrolling officer in Beijing who one night meets the drunk Li Pei Ru while sin...
The story revolves around a massive inheritance from a rich man, whose nephew is plotting to seize ...
Working as a prostitute since she was 16, Kam has witnessed the highs and lows of Hong Kong over th...
While Yeung Kam Wing is trying to remove all connections between the mob and him, his actions are b...
The year is 2046 and 82 year old Golden Chicken Kum, spots a heartbroken man planning to take memor...
In this prequel to the original, a bloody power struggle among the Triads coincides with the 1997 h...
When undercover cops start losing their lives to drug lords who blame their demise on "poor act...
Ye Xiang Lun, a talented piano player is a new student at the prestigious Tamkang School. On his fi...