Babu and Yesu, former delivery agents, embark on a thrilling mission as special agents, facing extr...
An epic action saga set against coastal lands, which briefs about rip-roaring ,emotionally charged ...
Devara, a fearless man from a coastal region, embarks on a perilous journey into the treacherous wor
An egoistic real estate broker in huge debts, meets with an accident. As he gains consciousness, he...
A flying prodigy, Captain Vikrant Khanna's flight takes a stirring and mysterious trajectory af...
When Russian workers in Bernie’s house turn out to be wanted criminals, Bernie has to man up and sav
Gopala Krishna (Ajay) is a 40 year old man who has got married at an early age. He falls in love wi...
A love tale of a non-expressive couple who happens to fall in love with each other unraveling the h...
An egoistic wealthy man becomes a cop to settle a score, but gets into a feud with a local politici...
Satya is given a different face after he suffers burn-related injuries. After being released from t...