"Between Beliefs" is a 12 episode original TV series that tells the story of Yusoff Hakimi (Azrel Ismail) agreeing to help Zuleka (Alicia)·Sandha (played by Elisya Sandha) takes on the responsibility of taking care of orphans, and Zuleka agrees to
Single father Razak has decided to start dating again and find a suitable wife and mother for him and his daughter Amy. When he had to make a choice between three women chasing him, he quicklyDiscovering oneself in a predicament. One is a close fr
A year of happy sailing, now the relationship between Nadine Safia and Lisa is starting to shake! Dato Jeffrey reappeared and took away the heart of Nadine Safia. With the company of Li Cha, Nadine Safiya became even strongerStrong, although she h