Warm male anchor Morning Star died in a traffic accident, which also involved his emotional entanglement with two girls: a wealthy daughter named Xiying, and a desperate and worn-out North Drifting girl named Mingyue...
High school student Shen Yihang, with his handsome appearance and excellent academic performance in school, is undoubtedly a school grass. He has captured countless girls in school and once met his average looking female classmate XiaXuan, deeply
This film tells the story of real estate developer Qin Feng's nostalgic memories during his student years. A diary leads to a passage about the youth memories of Qin Feng and Nianruo, Wu Yuan, and Yu Han during their student years. A giant with yo
This film mainly tells the story of Taekwondo teenagers who are crooked in their growth process, facing their dreams, facing themselves, making choices and persevering. He often has a heroic dream at night about punishing evil and promoting good,
High school student Chen Yufei has a passion for esports but has never been able to gain his father's understanding. In an accident, my father and Chen Yufei's team exchanged identities with Wang Kai. I was originally determined to ruin my son's e
The movie tells the story of a conflicted and unreliable father and an overly serious daughter who accidentally exchange bodies over a magical lottery ticket. A thug father transforms his daughter back into youth, causing chaos on campus and becom
In the most beautiful youth, the girl met a boy who wanted to bravely love. At the age of 18, Yu Jiaoyang, who was mocked as a "trash can" by her classmates, met Zhou Can, a transfer student whom she fell in love with at first sight.She helped Zho
This film mainly tells the story of a father and daughter who are full of contradictions and seek psychological counseling to improve their relationship. They use the latest developed parent-child relationship repair system and virtual reality (VR