A mysterious organization known as the Chinese Avengers Alliance that exists on Earth, each member of which possesses superpowers and infinite power. Shen Lu, a powerful special agent, is basically a combination of the Green Giant and the Black Wi
A bizarre throat cutting murder case has led the beautiful crime analyst Li Wen into a foggy town. She is skilled in criminal psychological analysis and has a serious disagreement with the action team captain Lei Ao. However, the throat cutting mu
In order to search for Arthur's whereabouts, the Grand Theft launched a night raid on the Qitian Building, but it ended in failure. Four members of the Grand Theft Squad were forced to abandon their mission due to triggering an alarm. Just as the
It tells the story of a group of ruthless and skilled criminals in a border town in the far north who rob gold trucks and use heavy snow to cover up all traces of crime in order to seize gold. In order to uncover the truth, the policeCha Wang Kang