Robert McCall, who serves an unflinching justice for the exploited and oppressed, embarks on a rele...
Inspired by the gripping true story of a man who would do anything for his family—and for freedom. ...
Robert McCall finds himself at home in Southern Italy but he discovers his friends are under the co...
A demoted police officer assigned to a call dispatch desk is conflicted when he receives an emergen...
Evan McCauley has skills he never learned and memories of places he has never visited. Self-medicat...
McCall believes he has put his mysterious past behind him and dedicated himself to beginning a new,...
Billy "The Great" Hope, the reigning junior middleweight boxing champion, has an impressive...
A top Marine sniper, Bob Lee Swagger, leaves the military after a mission goes horribly awry and di...
The story of the Arthurian legend, based on the 'Sarmatian hypothesis' which contends that ...