In New York City for their annual tradition of Christmas Eve debauchery, three lifelong best friend...
In a world where women have become asexual and are no longer giving birth to males, a quiet, unassu...
In the late 1960s, the Beach Boys' Brian Wilson stops touring, produces "Pet Sounds" an...
After six years without a date, Robert, the world's only superhero, is looking for love. The on...
On May 9, 1986, a small ranching community in Wyoming experiences a divine intervention when a coup...
A single mother becomes Ariel Castro's first kidnapping victim, and finds herself trapped in hi...
An American couple, Paul and Marianne, spend their vacation in Italy and experience trouble when Ma...
After finding a lump in one of her breasts, Magda goes to visit her doctor who gives her bad news: ...
A 34 year old single woman, Nancy, hung-over again, exhausted by the endless fruitless set ups by h...
"Breaking" as a art form, has been spreading in China for about 20 years. BBoys who has mor...