A young man moves into a run-down apartment building and soon gets into a relationship with a neigh...
At a tiny Parisian café, the adorable yet painfully shy Amélie accidentally discovers a gift for he...
The story of Jody, a misguided, 20-year-old African-American who is really just a baby boy finally ...
This is a movie about two scientists who invent a time machine. A critical part falls out of the ti...
2002 is a special police force that fights against supernatural phenomena. The team is formed by on...
When Ruby and Rhett's parents are killed in a car accident, their carefree teenage lives are su...
A socially awkward but very bright 15-year-old girl being raised by a single mom discovers that she...
In need of funds for research, Dr. Alan Grant accepts a large sum of money to accompany Paul and Am...
The school year is finally ending, and T.J. Detweiler is looking forward to summer. But boredom qui...
Ekin Cheng stars in this gritty triad action drama as Dragon, a talented former hitman who has refo...