The story tells of an unqualified father who regains his responsibility for his family from his daughter's pranks. Although Lin Hang is a top graduate from a prestigious university, he has achieved nothing in his middle age,Married to his wife Zhang Jia for many years, they have a quirky daughter named Lin Duoduo. Lazy Lin Hang spent 10 years lazily, luckily his wife Zhang Jia opened a hair salon and was diligent and talentedLet life go on. The mischievous Lin Duoduo saw that his father was idle every day, so he decided to find a job for him: to share his father with others who needed him. Lin, who has been resistant to this matter for a whileHang finally reluctantly agreed to become someone else's father once, but he couldn't control it and secretly started working as a 'shared father' without his wife Zhang Jia's knowledge. As a result, he also caused some misunderstandings, almost causing the family to break downCrack. While being someone else's dad, Lin Hang also found the necessary materials to be a true dad.