This is an urban comedy film that revolves around Jia Gongzi and Su Heling's dream of becoming a restaurant owner. It uses humorous scenes to create laughter points and strong character contrasts to showcase the contrast between the charactersAdd
Susan is the daughter of a famous local entrepreneur. People are beautiful, sexy, and highly educated overseas returnees, with many pursuers. Father Su Jinhong pampered her again and obediently followed her. Susan fell in love with a healthy perso
This film is an ethnic minority film that reflects the Dai culture in the Jinsha River Valley. It tells us about a rural girl's dream of fashion design. Dai ethnic girl Xiang Yixuan, an excellent fashion designer, resigned from the companyReturnin
Meng Wa's "The Case of Bao Qingtian's Cutting Beauty" tells the classic story of Bao Zheng, the magistrate of Kaifeng Prefecture, who fearlessly and selflessly angered his husband Chen Shimei during the Northern Song Dynasty. Chen Shimei spared no