Directed by Akay Mason and written by Abosi Ogba, the film captures a love story that happens amids...
Manga artist "Shinji Izumoto" has secured a movie deal. He should be celebrating, but he...
Aspiring music producer Chloe Brandon puts her career on the line by promising a hit song to the re...
After a catastrophic car crash, a young woman wakes up in a survivalist's underground bunker, t...
A rich teen who yearns to study abroad meets an intriguing college student who could offer her some...
Xiaoxian’s life is right on track. She has a steady job at an upscale wedding planning company, a c...
In the aftermath of a tragic event, a teacher has to overcome his guilt when he begins working with...
Star baseball player and national hero Sang-nam finds his career in jeopardy when he gets involved ...
In a crowded city like Hong Kong, former lovers often cross each other's path. One night, a for...
"Love Matters" is a movie revolving around three main protagonists - 52-year-old Tan Bo Sen...