The story of Che Yuse (played by Jin Wenxi), a victim of campus violence who is imprisoned in a youth prison due to an accident, and Zheng Daoxuan (played by Wei Huaxuan), a champion of comprehensive combat, gradually breaking through their limits.
Is it alma mater or hell? Enxi (played by Jin Ruiheng), who has lost his memories of high school, has been tormented by inexplicable illusions and auditory hallucinations since returning to his alma mater as a school supervisor. On the other side,
"Can I also be a miracle of being a person?" Repeated student Ying Hao (played by Jiang Hena) has no clear dreams and lives a repetitive and boring life every day. By chance, I sent a letter to my precious old friend Zhaoyan, but unfortunately, it
The film is set in Seoul, which was abandoned after a major earthquake, and tells the story of the survivors gathered in the only remaining 'palace apartments' here.