A young loser named Shen Dabao, whose life has declined to the extreme, unexpectedly meets the beautiful robot Eva when he feels disheartened, reigniting hope in life. This leads to a humorous and romantic human-machine relationship; Sexy robot su
The battle between the ancient Heavenly Palace and the Thunder God caused Gou Ling to lift the seal and escape. The Zhou family of the State of Chu repelled it at the cost of extermination, leaving an orphan named Zhou Yuan. Years have passed, and
At his 36th birthday banquet, Wang Qi drank too much and in his dream, he returned to his high school campus twenty years ago. There are Xu Xiaobin, who is brave and fierce, Zhang Shuo, who is a nobleman, and Liu Yu, who is greedy and lasciviousFi
Wu Lan has been following her mother Wu Ju since childhood to challenge various combat arenas. This is their skill for making a living, defeating opponents on the arena and earning generous bonuses to maintain their livelihood. Until an undergroun