A set of six nested stories spanning time between the 19th century and a distant post-apocalyptic f...
After a series of assassinations in Nanking, a Japanese spy master gathers a group of suspects in a...
In 200,000 years of existence, man has upset the balance on which the Earth had lived for 4 billion...
The world is on the verge of a devastating war with monsters who are coming to retrieve the Scaling...
Venturing into the wilds of China, "Born in China" captures intimate moments with a panda b...
In the years after the Revolution, China broken up into fiefdoms held by warlords, who are busy fig...
Su Qi-Er, a wealthy man living during the Qing Dynasty who loses his fortune and reputation as a re...
Famous singer Wan Wenfang was assassinated in a closed dressing room, with only Jimmy Thomas present at the time. Lawyer Duan Mulan, as Jimmy's defense lawyer, is preparing to defend him against innocence, so he is in court withThe prosecutor of t