A bullied teenage girl forms an unlikely friendship with a mysterious young man who protects her fr...
Zhang Chi, a hubris and dominating six-time racing champion, falls from grace following a crisis. A...
Two married couples adjust to the vast social and economic changes taking place in China from the 1...
Some lives are linked across time, connected by destiny. While aiding old theatre attendant Lin Ge,...
Three young men with very different personalities. When they leave the big city to return to the th...
In order to treat his 6-year-old son suffering from asthma, Wu Hai's friend Zhong Zhenjiang enc...
Amateur painter lies about his ability to see ghosts and takes on a job as a ghost painter on a TV ...
Meirose strives to create heaven in her family, with her husband and their two children. One day, R...
After growing up in a tumultuous household, Yura finds herself in a love triangle with two close fr...
After suffering life changing injuries in the line of duty, bomb disposal officer Fung turns his ba...