An acclaimed writer, his ex-wife, and their teenaged children come to terms with the complexities o...
Steven Seagal reprises his role as Seattle undercover cop Elijah Kane in this action thriller from ...
The story frames on 7-year-old Maisie, caught in a custody battle between her mother – a rock and r...
In the aftermath of his girlfriend's mysterious death, a young man awakens to strange horns spr...
War is declared and Britain must take action against Nazi Germany if Europe is going to be saved fr...
Fight everyone and trust no one: it's the code of survival practiced by martial-arts master Cas...
Twenty years ago, seven superstar artists left Marvel Comics to create their own company, Image Com...
A look at the November 1980 re-match between Sugar Ray Leonard and Roberto Duran and how two infamo...
1921 New York. An immigrant woman is tricked into a life of burlesque and vaudeville until a dazzli...
After a zombie becomes involved with the girlfriend of one of his victims, their romance sets in mo...