This comedy revolves around two brothers, both wonderful chefs, who fall out catastrophically. At t...
Arattupuzha Velayudha Panicker, a 19th century fiery social reformer and his unswerving fight again...
A love tale of a non-expressive couple who happens to fall in love with each other unraveling the h...
A man journeys from rags to riches with absolute grit and determination in the Eluru and Godavari c...
A boisterous, bawdy, meddling village patriarch Komurayya’s death just before the engagement change...
Maidaan is inspired by the Indian national football team coach and manager Syed Abdul Rahim, who is...
After receiving the news of the death of his elder brother Subash, who worked for R&AW, Jay set...
A mild-mannered man becomes a local hero through an act of violence, but it brings forth consequenc...
An assistant maths teacher takes up a tedious task of transforming underprivileged students despite...
A five-member Kerala Police have to use their best policing skills when they go to Rajasthan to nab...