A gritty realistic story about a young film school student from middle-class India who's forced...
The documentary follows five kids who stutter ages 9 to 18, from all over the United States, who af...
An inside look into the fascinating life, career and survival of the most unknown famous entertaine...
When a VHS-tape proves the existence of a rumored doorway to paradise, a young man abandons his dec...
Two years after aliens land on Earth, survivors from Sydney, Australia, fight in a desperate war as...
After receiving life-altering news, a couple finds unexpected support from their best friend, who p...
An idealistic young New York City public defender burned out by the system, on the brink of disbarm...
An immigration lawyer is unwittingly entangled in a money-laundering scheme where his only chance t...
A woman with a seemingly ideal life battles insomnia.;...
Cherry drifts from college dropout to army medic in Iraq - anchored only by his true love, Emily. B...