Claimed as a 'dependent' by his successful bread-winning girlfriend Alice, Cam struggles to...
A young woman risks being ostracized from an insular New York clique led by her socialite best frien
Told through the voice of former KGB agent Viktor Petrovich, whose life becomes inextricably linked
Sean Haggerty only has an hour to deliver his illegal cargo. An hour to reassure a drug cartel, a h...
In a quiet countryside farmhouse, Britain's vampires gather for their once-every-fifty-years me...
As a string of brutal murders plague the city, two undercover detectives race to solve the mystery ...
Jeffrey Dahmer struggles with a difficult family life as a young boy. During his teenage years he s...
Marco is a 35 year-old ex-chef who has given up his career and any sense of hope to return to Udine...
In the supercharged world of dirt track racing, a single mistake causes the lives of two men to cha...
Five thirty-something men in as many separate segments struggle to grapple with the relentless absu...