Set in World War II, Casino Tycoon chronicles the story of Benny, a young graduate played by Andy L...
Follows the adventures of a compulsive Mahjong player named Andy and his aging mother, estranged br...
After his attempted robbery runs aground, a thief takes a shine to his would-be victim, a charming ...
European mercenaries searching for black powder become embroiled in the defense of the Great Wall o...
One hundred seventy years ago, a wise monk made a section of land known as the Villians Valley, a s...
Hsu Wen-Chiang is washed up on a beach near Shanghai. He is taken in by Ting Lik, a kindly beggar w...
Lucky Stars Go Places, also known as The Luckiest Stars, is a 1986 Hong Kong action comedy film dir...
Chan Wing Yan, a young police officer, has been sent undercover as a mole in the local mafia. Lau K...
A heroic tale of three blood brothers and their struggle in the midst of war and political upheaval...
Five police officers in Hong Kong are kidnapped. The police commissioner is on a business trip over...