2 Weeks in Lagos is a turbulent and thrilling journey into the lives of Ejikeme and Lola. Their liv...
Mike is invited by his childhood friend and buddy, Adetunde, to have dinner and spend the weekend w...
A long-time unemployed graduate, faced with life's pressures decides to relocate to Kaduna from...
In the mid-nineties, a 12 year-old boy (KOSSI) with genius-level intelligence, is one of many child...
It deals with an irregular governor elections where in a district there are murders, which makes th...
A man returns from prison hoping to pick up the pieces of his life with his wife and business. Thin...
Nimbe is a story addressing the issues associated with drug abuse, some of the causes, how to ident...
A runaway, teenage, suicide bomber and his newfound ally, a young prostitute, must rely on each oth...
In the face of unspeakable pain, a couple must find a way to live and love again;...
As each member of the Holloway family works to solve their problems, they prepare for Mopelola'...