When a documentary crew sets out to explore the relationship between artificial intelligence and po...
Two twins who are growing apart discover their pet rescue dog is shedding money. The neighbors, a m...
“Hotel Labamba is an opportunity to showcase the behind-the-scenes that goes on in the society on a...
A man is in a difficult position between his girlfriend who wants to marry him, and his mother who ...
After a head injury, cowardly newspaper cartoonist Sathya hears a voice in his mind, foretells even...
On the verge of a mid-life crisis, a former stand-up comedian believes an appearance on a popular l...
Serious musician Doom and free-spirited circus kid Glitter start a budding summer relationship fill...
Waldisney works as a doorman in a building where confusion is constant. However, the employee is gr...
When a member of the Prank Squad is kidnapped, the kids take it into their own hands to rescue her.;...
A constable, takes up a case that requires him to find a pair of gold earrings that belonged to a d...