A young loser named Shen Dabao, whose life has declined to the extreme, unexpectedly meets the beautiful robot Eva when he feels disheartened, reigniting hope in life. This leads to a humorous and romantic human-machine relationship; Sexy robot su
Bock's company, Bat Technology, encountered an unexpected technical crisis. He invited former subordinate Ye Xingjia and his team to solve the crisis. Later, Bock proposed to recruit a high paying team and their technical 'Fuxi'However, Ye Xingjia
Wei Guangming, who comes from the future world, is controlled by a rebel force called the Skywalker Alliance and secretly sent him to travel fifty years ago to dismantle his grandfather and grandmother in order to stop the conspiracy of the Cleane
In the ancient East, there is a legend of 'Thousand Year Daughter Fragrance'. During the process of cleaning agarwood, young girls secretly hide the best small pieces of incense in their chests. As time goes on, the girl's body fragrance and agarw
The alien leader learned that the energy body exists on Earth in order to obtain it. The leader sent a ball to Earth to investigate the whereabouts of the energy body and seize it. After the ball arrived on Earth, by chance, itKnowing that the ene
Zhou Tao has suffered from congenital heart disease since childhood, and is full of negative attitudes towards the future. He has always doubted whether there really is someone in this world who is more important than his own life. If there is...
Superpowers exist around us, but their lives are not as glamorous as superheroes in European and American films. They are often the most ordinary people around us, doing inconspicuous work, and when people are in dangerWhen society is in danger, t
In order to treat the population affected by nuclear radiation, Saiya Company sent a special forces team to the abandoned laboratory to search for vaccines. However, the key to the success of the vaccine was to sacrifice the only female member of
Li Zi is dedicated to researching memory exchange technology, and her boyfriend Zhong Han is very supportive. Scientist Bai Tangwu secretly studied clones, but could only come up with an empty shell without a soul. He realized that memory exchange
In 2048, Cao Xiaoming spent his entire life creating the robot Xiaoxia and teleported her to 2018. Various unlucky things kept happening one after another, and Cao Xiaoming, who lived a lonely life like this, was 22 years oldOn my birthday, I sudd