It tells the story of a brave, wise, and benevolent hero named Jianger who leads twelve warriors to defeat the demons and monsters that invade their hometown, and establish a world without war, hunger, and aging for everyoneThe story of a prospero
Fan Si'er, a middle-aged man who was obsessed with the art of cross-talk, lived alone in a small courtyard. One night, he welcomed two young girls, Chen Xiao and Qing Qing Qing, who were hurriedly taking the little boy with them. Always happyFan S
In the evening, after finishing a day of filming in Xuexiang, a group of five people drove their off-road vehicles back to the county hotel, only to find that their way back was blocked due to an avalanche. A few people went around to find the loc
The story takes place in the 1970s in a village in Anhui Province, where two experts were sent by the city to survey the items left behind by Japan during the war. The villager Dazhuang and his group went up the mountain and found suspected traces
In the 2016 graduation season, the story of six happy and sorrowful graduation seasons is happening at Sichuan University, Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Sichuan Normal University, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu University of Technology,
Deng Kai, a young master from a wealthy family in the past, witnessed his father being tricked by his partner. He had been studying stocks diligently for many years, hoping to one day avenge his father using his own methods. When I had a small suc
Chen Nan is a micro goddess, and due to the booming business of her company, she has a great reputation in the micro business world and is full of fame. Chen Nan has been focusing on the development of micro business, which has led to a prolonged
Li Yilin, a senior technical otaku, accidentally fell into a situation where he was chased by a mysterious monster after inventing the intelligent software "Lizi". Even his admired girl Kimi pretended to believe in a date to assassinate him. The e
She felt that her husband was not right, but she didn't know where the problem was. One night, she suddenly realized that he was not her husband at all. He should actually be called 'it' because he was not human at all.It is an intelligent robot,