The intimate journey of Caroline, a flamboyant grandmother, and Stéphane, her filmmaker grandson, e...
A popular high school band is scouted by a Tokyo-based record company. The band is involved in a ca...
Spotlighting the art of drag, and centered on the New York staple Wigstock, this documentary showca...
A multi-billion-dollar mining project is launched by the American Newmont Mining Corporation and la...
An idealistic attractive young couple acquires a stunning, life-like robot for guilt free help, but...
Our complex food system rests on the wings of the honey bee and the commercial beekeepers that move...
A success-hungry lawyer finds himself unable to turn his back on a suspicious case involving a chil...
While grieving for the loss of their mother, the Connolly sisters suddenly find they have a crime t...
What happens when a group of international artists travel to North Korea to create art like the reg...
For twenty years, Bruno and Malik have lived in a different world—the world of autistic children an...