This is an urban comedy film that revolves around Jia Gongzi and Su Heling's dream of becoming a restaurant owner. It uses humorous scenes to create laughter points and strong character contrasts to showcase the contrast between the charactersAdd
The cool summer breeze brushes over our faces, and the cicadas chirp in the afternoon is still so clear and loud. Another graduation season has arrived, and all the problems that are about to enter society are facing us, making it impossible for u
The story tells of a wealthy young man from the third generation who is regarded by his grandmother as a precious treasure in his heart. He escapes from home because he cannot bear the constraints of his grandmother like a canary, but is knocked u
In 1937, Japan launched a full-scale invasion of China, and the Sino Japanese War immediately began. In the war, a five member team led by Shota Yamada lost contact with the main force and wandered around, arriving at a world of peaceAn isolated u