A 9-year-old boy moves to a lakeside village and befriends a captain who claims a mythical sea crea...
A highly-gifted student sees an opportunity to escape her roots by helping wealthy classmates cheat
Lewis is an outwardly ordinary guy, but in reality he is hiding an obsession – revenge – against Ca...
As a young New York couple goes from college romance to marriage and the birth of their first child...
NRI corporate Sundar Ramasamy comes to India to vote, only to learn that his vote has already been ...
The parents of a soon-to-be married couple make the final preparations for the wedding ceremony.;...
A psycho- sexual thriller following a couple that buys an old motel in the desert looking for a new...
Tasha, who aspires to make it big in life, catches the eye of two womanising brothers, who promise ...
A stunning cancer diagnosis spurs Abbie to seek a future girlfriend for fiancé and childhood sweeth...
Madeline has become an integral part of a prestigious physical theater troupe. When the workshop...