Friends and Strangers follows two middle class wanderers in a dryly comic exploration of inner Sydn...
Lennie is a teen musical prodigy grieving the death of her sister when she finds herself caught bet...
A US soldier suffers a traumatic brain injury while fighting in Afghanistan and struggles to adjust...
Maurice Flitcroft, a dreamer and unrelenting optimist, manages to gain entry to the 1976 British Op...
Wine and War is a documentary about the history of winemaking in Lebanon and the resilience of the ...
A group of renegade surfers challenges the male-dominated professional surfing world for the shared...
In the Sicilian town of Taormina, Italy, an aspiring writer in search of inspiration meets a folk s...
Two best friends from Los Angeles pretend to be highly acclaimed film school students in order to d...
Learning a family's father is practicing witchcraft. Father Michael agrees to investigate. This...
Sparks fly when vivacious yet sensitive Tara collides with a reclusive charmer Bilal in this slice ...