The third installment in the successful Bad Ass action-comedy franchise. Bad Asses on the Bayou reu...
The story of a mild-mannered radio executive who strives to become the best stepdad ever to his wif...
A small town waitress gets a nail accidentally lodged in her head causing unpredictable behavior th...
During an all-night, drug-fueled party at an abandoned asylum known for the horrific treatment of i...
Lynn Zapatek, a chambermaid in a large hotel, has a deathly fear of human interaction yet she crave...
After spending two decades in England, Bill Bryson returns to the U.S., where he decides the best w...
A black as tar comedy charting the dissolution of a commune for sober living in '90s suburban N...
A former assassin tries to redeem himself by becoming a masked highwayman in Colonial America.;...
In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, an orphaned teen must battle a ruthless warlord to save the girl o...
The true and inspiring story of the Elliott family, who refused to surrender, instead turning to on...